These videos contain broadcast standards, language and attitudes of their time. Viewers may find some of the content offensive.
Living in The Slums
A look at housing conditions in Stepney, London.
Originally broadcast on Tuesday 22nd October 1963
Radio Pirates
Unique access to the new form of radio which is competing on a not strictly legal level with the BBC - the pirate stations. Those on the outside both for and against also have their say.
Originally broadcast on Tuesday 12th May 1964
Seven Up
Seven year old children from various backgrounds are interviewed on their hopes and aspirations for the future. It is hoped to follow them up in the year 2000 and see how things turned out.
Originally broadcast on Tuesday 5th May 1964
The Story Of The Sun
A look at the launch of The Sun newspaper.
Originally broadcast on Tuesday 15th September 1964
The Flip Side
Investigating the way the music business is ran.
Originally broadcast on Tuesday 22nd September 1964
Mick Jagger
Mick Jagger gives a press conference after his recent conditional discharge for drug use. He then joins a discussion with eminent people on what is expected of famous icons by society, and how much of this is their responsibility.
Originally broadcast on Monday 31st July 1967
Scientology For Sale
This programme Investigates the rise of the cult of scientology.
Originally broadcast on Monday 1th August 1967
We Know What We Saw
This episode looks at the growing number of UFO sightings in the US.
Originally broadcast in 1967
Please note: The quality of this episode varies and shared for historical purpose only.
End Of A Revolution
Bolivia after the death of Che Guevara,
Originally broadcast on Monday 11th December 1967
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
An Outlaw's Life
An observation of Irish Travellers living in Britain.
Originally broadcast on 1st January 1968
The Demonstration
Following the Anti-Vietnam demonstration in Grosvenor Square London on 16 March 1968.
Originally broadcast on Monday 18th March 1968
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
Ward F. 13
An investigation into the appalling conditions of the female geriatric ward of Powick Mental Hospital near Worcester.
Originally broadcast on Monday 20th May 1968
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
The Shrinking World Of L. Ron Hubbard
This Scientology exposé features an interview with L. Ron Hubbard aboard a Sea Org vessel, and also presents stock footage and commentary on Scientologists.
Originally broadcast in August 1968
First Class Delivery
The medical practice of epidural injections to relieve the pain of childbirth and the religious groups who oppose them.
Originally broadcast on Monday 23rd December 1968
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
All Change At Newry!
A planned Civil Rights campaign march in Newry descends into violence with attacks on police and police vehicles.
Originally broadcast on Monday 20th January 1969
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
Inside Out
Report looking at Mapperley Mental Hospital in Nottingham.
Originally broadcast in 1969.
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.
The Life and Death of James Griffiths
Reconstruction of Glasgow gunman James Griffiths running amok and his final shoot out with the police.
Originally broadcast on Monday 3rd November 1969
Warning: Viewers may find parts of this video disturbing.